01/Apr/2025:07:21:06 +0800:Request GET /special/bimo/index.html HTTP/1.1 received, but we encounterd an unknown error. IBM WebSphere Application Server is a flexible, secure Java server runtime environment for enterprise applications. Deploy and manage applications and services regardless of time, location or device type. Integrated management and adimnistrative tools provide enhanced security and control, and support for multicloud environments lets you choose your deployment method. Continuous delivery capabilities and services help you to respond at the speed of your business needs. WebSphere Application Server helps you build, deploy and run applications with flexible, security-rich Java EE-certified runtime environments — from lightweight production environments to large enterprise deployments. The platform provides the same runtime environment for development and testing as the production environment on which the applications will run — helping developers code with confidence and reduce test efforts. The web container is the part of the application server in which web application components run. Web applications are comprised of one or more related servlets, JavaServer Pages technology (JSP files), and Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) files that you can manage as a unit. Combined, they perform a business logic function. The web container processes servlets, JSP files, and other types of server-side includes. Each application server runtime has one logical web container, which can be modified, but not created or removed. Each web container provides the following. Time: 01/Apr/2025:07:21:06 +0800, GET /special/bimo/index.html HTTP/1.1